Weather today, 15. January 2025

  • 03:00 partly cloudy
  • 06:00 partly cloudy
  • 09:00 partly cloudy
  • 12:00 partly cloudy
  • 15:00 partly cloudy
  • 18:00 partly cloudy
  • 21:00 cloudy
  • 24:00 cloudy

wind in exposed higher regions: North with 30 to 50, gusts up to 70kmph
Often quite sunny. However, also several denser clouds traverse from north.

tomorrow, 16. January 2025

  • 03:00 partly cloudy
  • 06:00 partly cloudy
  • 09:00 brightly
  • 12:00 brightly
  • 15:00 brightly
  • 18:00 brightly
  • 21:00 brightly
  • 21:00 brightly

wind in exposed higher regions: NO to E with 20 to 30 kmph, gusts up to 50
Quite sunny and dry weather dominates.

Friday, January 17

Sunny and dry. In the morning partly low stratus clouds possible.

Saturday, January 18

Very sunny and dry. Milder again in the mountains.

Sunday, January 19

Sunny and dry again. Just harmless clouds from south. Mild in the mountains.

Monday, January 20

Mostly pleasant weather continues. However, also some widespread clouds passing from south.

Tuesday, January 21

Partly sunny with some denser clouds.

15.01.2025 - 16:50 - Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG) - The weather experts in Carinthia